Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Disrupting Class Chapter 1

3 things that you learned/connected with; 2 thing you disagree with or have questions; and 1 thing you would really like to learn more about

One thing I learned from Chapter 1 of Disrupting class was that it has been shown that humans learn information differently. Though the differences have yet to be identified, there is still considerable evidence that we as humans do learn differently. The second thing that I learned is that intelligence is now being defined differently than it used to be. It used to be that intelligence was a number that could be measured the same way in every person. Now the definition of intelligence has become broader, including different ways that humans are intelligent. The Third thing that I learned is how this broader definition relates to teaching. If humans are gifted and learn in different ways, how can we expect our students to do well if we are teaching to only one intelligence. Teachers must learn to include all levels of intelligence to relate the material to the students better.

One thing I somewhat disagree with is de-standardizing education. What would the effects of switching to customized education and from standardized be? Would there be a way to ensure that students across the country are receiving an equal education? Would this open the door to creating an even larger achievement gap where rich students get a better education that poor?

One thing that I would like to learn more about is the cost of customizing education. In this economic climate, is it feasible?

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